FCWC Weekend Edition is a branch off a ministry program that has flourished in Rochester, NY for more than 35 years – Flower City Work Camp. After Flower City Work Camp had to be cancelled in the spring of 2020, Flower City Outreach leaders rallied in the fall of 2020 to find a way to meet the most critical needs of the homeowners we had been slated to help during Camp that year. This came in the form of small teams, mostly of adults, who deployed for a single day to get critical work completed on a Saturday. Thus, it was the Weekend Edition of Flower City Work Camp.
Now operating under its own volunteer leadership team, this model meets several unmet needs – initially it allowed us to meet time sensitive needs of the homeowners who had anticipated our being able to help earlier that year; it provides a way for Flower City Work Camp to finally help homeowners who didn’t have enough projects to fill up a full week of Camp; and, it provides a platform for Flower City Outreach to extend the impact of work crews throughout the rest of the year.
Each iteration of FCWC Weekend Edition is referred to as a session. One session might just be a single team of 8-10 volunteers from a single church going out for one day to serve at a worksite. Another session might have multiple teams from multiple churches going out on the same day to different sites, but starting the day with prayer and worship together before they go. Flexibility and adaptability is a key feature of FCWC Weekend Edition, while maintaining the core values and experience inspired by Work Camp.
Our goal is to serve an additional 50 home owners a year through FCWC Weekend Edition, over and above those we serve during Flower City Work Camp.

FCWC Weekend Edition is a ministry of Flower City Outreach, Inc. – a non-profit corporation in the State of New York and a federally designated 501(c)(3) public charity based in Rochester, New York. The organization is committed to mobilizing the Church into service so that the city might see Jesus!